Myrtle Beach Activities for Kids

Ahoy there, Matey! Even though you’re dressed in commoner’s clothes, I’d recognize a scallywag at heart no matter where the seven seas washed me ashore. You and those miniature buccaneers of yours look strong enough to hoist sails and mean enough to prefer a sword fight over a parlay, too. I could use a few new swabbies aboard my ship, the Jolly Walrus, reputed as the unsung hero of Myrtle Beach! What say you, me hearties? A pirate’s tour is one of the grandest Myrtle Beach activities for kids. Your new Captain Barnacle Bill will show you around!

Pirates Voyage Dinner & Show

Pirates Voyage Dinner & Show

Our first stop on the Jolly Walrus pirate tour of Myrtle Beach must be none other than Pirates Voyage Dinner & Show. Aye, I may be the dreaded Captain Barnacle Bill of Myrtle Beach, but me hearties Captain Blackbeard and Calico Jack sure put me to shame! They’re always gallivanting on the high seas, among landlubbers, and aboard their ships, the Crimson and Sapphire, to find Davy Jones’ treasure. In pirate code, we don’t speak too lightly about this legendary treasure, but those two old sea dogs are the closest I’ve ever seen to finding it.

They meet mermaids, tropical birds, and wild seals on their journey, while fighting tooth and nail with swords and cannons against deep sea skeletons. You wouldn’t believe the incredible stunts and acrobatics those buckos can pull off. I suggest you watch them closely to learn how to emulate the Scourge of the Seven Seas – and the only way to do so is over a feast! A fine four-course feast of creamy veggie soup, roast chicken, sugar-cured ham, buttery cob, herb-basted potato, and apple pie awaits you at this all-ages Myrtle Beach dinner theater show. Arrr, good grub and grog at Pirates Voyage Dinner & Show is the grandest type of booty to plunder!

Myrtle Beach Pirate Cruises

Blackbeard's Pirate Cruise

Blackbeard’s Pirate Cruise

Anytime Captain Blackbeard returns from his search for Davy Jones’s treasure, he weighs anchor right here in Myrtle Beach and takes a part-time job. Aye, it’s not all plunder and glory – pirates must work for gold, too, sometimes! You can find that devil at Blackbeard’s Pirate Cruise, where his mateys will don you up with mustaches, tattoos, and eye patches like a proper buccaneer.

You can also get some practice hunting for treasure and fighting scurvy dogs like Bad Billy Bones. That rotten shark bait of a sailor stole the key to the booty, and so you will have to send him down to meet Poseidon with your trusty water cannons. By the end of Blackbeard’s Pirate Cruise, Blackbeard himself and his hearties will teach you the most important pirate skills. You’ll learn to hoist the Jolly Roger victory flag, sing some ole sea shanties, and play pirate games. Of course, every lad and lassie gets to take home a piece of the booty because, as we pirates say, “No prey, no pay!”

Pirate Adventures

Pirate Adventures

Once you have watched how bona fide pirates like Blackbeard and Calico Jack do it, you better be prepared to start dressing and acting like one yourself. Me hearties at Pirate Adventures will give the young lads and lassies corsair attire, face paint, and tattoos. As soon as you look the part, you’ll set sail on the Sea Gypsy to learn the ropes.

But avast! It’s dangerous business learning to bring her about, reading treasure maps, and hauling sunken booty from the briny deep. Keep your wits about you as Pirate Pete, the bilge-sucking maniac, stirs up trouble. Be prepared to yell “Fire in the hole!” as you blow the man down with water cannons and let the fathom take him home. Pirate Adventures is by farrrr one of the best Myrtle Beach activities for kids. By the end of this interactive cruise adventure, your lads and lassie will be singing shanties like “It’s a Pirate’s Life for Me!”

Watersports in Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach Watersports

Myrtle Beach Watersports

So you went on two pirate cruises but still haven’t found your sea legs yet? No problem, Matey. Myrtle Beach Watersports can give you plenty more practice on the open waters. Try renting a jet ski for a half-hour, one hour, or two hours to get a feel for the surf, or become the captain of your own ship and explore the local isles aboard a pontoon boat rental.

There’s no better way to learn the ways of the waters than to watch and give chase to the best swimmers in the seven seas: dolphins! Of all the sea-faring things to do in Myrtle Beach with kids, a dolphin-watching tour aboard the Sea Thunder or a jet ski is a must. After all, a dolphin cruise is an experience nary a decent sailor hasn’t had!

Kokopelli Surf Camp

Kokopelli Surf Camp

A bona fide pirate ought to know their way around any non-motorized boat just as well as the speedy wake-makers! Did you know you can go to pirate school to learn the ropes? Find all the training you need for kayaking, paddleboarding, and surfing at Kokopelli Surf Camp. Their summer surf camp and group or private lessons make a mighty fine way to introduce the lads and lassies to the ways of the waters.

Alternatively, throw the little ones in headfirst on a paddleboard or kayak tour of the islands and salt marshes. As for those with the scars and leathery skin that speak of many months spent lost at sea, experience may pardon you from training designed for shrimpies. Steer your own way through the currents and eddies with surfboard, paddleboard, or kayak rentals from Kokopelli Surf Camp!

Miniature Golf in Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach Family Golf

Myrtle Beach Family Golf

Well, shiver me timbers! It appears even landlubbers know a thing or two about the pirate life. Let’s furl the sails and make harbor to see what bounty awaits at the mini-golf courses for our next stop aboard the Jolly Walrus pirate tour. Myrtle Beach Family Golf has four locations scattered throughout the village, each course featuring a unique theme. Romp amongst the dinosaurs at Jurassic Golf or with the elephants and giraffes at Jungle Safari, if you must. Yet, you can rest assured about your Captain Barnacle Bill’s whereabouts. I’ll be visiting me ole matey from Neverland at Captain Hook’s Adventure Golf and searching for plunder at Shipwreck Island Adventure Golf!

Paradise Adventure Golf

Paradise Adventure Golf

Don your land legs for another go at one of the finest Myrtle Beach activities for kids! Paradise Adventure Golf will show you exotic worlds from across the seven seas. Play through 18 indoor and 18 outdoor holes at Molten Mountain, the South Pacific’s most fiery volcano. Take your pirate shenanigans over to Cancun Lagoon’s 27 indoor and air-conditioned holes. At this Mayan-themed course, the gigantic pyramid calls upon the gods until thunder and lightning strike. Arrrr, but my personal favorite is Mutiny Bay. This 36-hole outdoor course takes place aboard a fine specimen of a pirate ship. Ahoy, though – keep a weather lookout for a mutinous crew that springs into battle every 30 minutes, ready to leave you for fish bait!

Avast ye! The virtual tour with your Captain Barnacle Bill on the Jolly Walrus has come to a close. Since you made it this far, you might just be cut out for finding your sea legs and chasing hidden stores of gold coin, after all. Aye, it’s no surprise that the vast number of pirate-themed things to do in Myrtle Beach with kids can turn even landlubbers into old salt. If you’re ready to abandon your post and embrace your inner pirate, then weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen for the Myrtle Beach coastline! Savvy?

Content on this page is subject to change. Please contact the locations mentioned to see if promotions, hours, pricing, etc. are still valid.

About Nicole Miller

Nicole Miller is a native Tennessean who currently resides in Asheville, North Carolina. She loves spending time in the great outdoors, such as camping, hiking, and mountain biking. She also enjoys exploring all that the Smoky Mountains have to offer.

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